It's still been quite busy here- ... I haven't had the energy or the time to be posting anything.... let alone make anything really out of the ordinary.... So it's about time to get back on track!
Anyways, our family visited my parents and little sister this past weekend, and my older son Braden dyed Easter Eggs with his "Mima" and Aunt Jessica. They turned out beautifully and my mom sent some home with me- hard-boiled. I think I am the only one who will eat a plain hard-boiled egg here, so my mom suggested Egg Salad Pizzas- and it took me back to my childhood. I can remember around Easter, I think almost every year, she made egg salad pizzas for my brother and I. I remember loving them, they were one of my favorite foods as a child. My mother copied down the recipe for me, she told me it originally came from the Ann Arbor newspaper.... a long time ago.
I made these earlier in the week, I just hadn't had time to post it. My older son loved them, the baby liked the "egg salad" part, and my husband, who had been skeptical every time I brought them up, is "now a believer" (in his words...haha). I know they sound weird- but try them! You'll see!
Egg Salad Pizzas
-serves 6- (one pizza each) or
-serves 3- (2 pizzas each)
4 Hardboiled Eggs, chopped
1/2 Cup shredded Mozzarella Cheese- I used a combo provolone/mozzarella
1/3 Cup Tomato Paste
1/4 Cup Mayonnaise
2 Tbsp. Dried Minced Onion
1/4 tsp Salt
1/4 tsp Dried Basil
1/4 tsp Dried Oregano
Dash of Garlic Powder
Dash of Black Pepper
3 English Muffins, split
1. Mix the tomato paste, mayonnaise, minced onion, salt, basil, oregano, garlic powder, and pepper together.
2. Add the hardboiled eggs and cheese, and mix until well combined.
3. Spread the mixture on the muffins, covering the edges.
4. Broil 5-6 inches from the top, for about 5 minutes, until the edges start to brown and the cheese starts to melt. I used my toaster oven for this, but a regular oven would also work.
5. Serve hot!